As a Mailchimp expert: How I grow my audience
I’m always dabbling and trying things that impact my own Mailchimp account. My subscribers get to experience aspects of Mailchimp that others just don’t.
Where are your subscribers coming from? A lot of clients I first start working with have no idea aside from perhaps very basics. But that’s INCREDIBLY useful information. Find out why and what I do here behind the scenes.
Using names in Mailchimp Emails- should you? And how?
In principle you can use a merge tag to add each recipient’s first name into your Mailchimp emails, in ways like this:
In the greeting e.g. Hi Claire,
Within a sentence e.g. “I’d love you to be there Claire”
On a button e.g. “Get yours Claire”
They can be super-effective and catch the eye. BUT should you actually use them?
Here are some questions to ask yourself before you take the plunge and some tips to make names work for you.
5 Minute Mailchimp: Are you paying the right amount?
Are you paying the right amount for your Mailchimp account?
About 30% of accounts I audit aren’t - and usually because they’re paying too much.
Want to find out how to check? It only takes a few minutes…
5-minute mailchimp task for Security - check your account users and integrations
When was the last time you checked who has access to your Mailchimp account. In fact have you EVER checked? Do it now. Trust me, I see some shockers. Here’s how…
How to make Mailchimp quicker and easier (5 minute read)
Your contacts subscribed because they want to hear from you. And email marketing simply can’t work for you if you don’t send emails…
But there are never enough hours in the day so here are my tips to make it all quicker and easier, gleaned over the course of 14+ years of doing this. A 5 minute read that will save you HOURS and mean that Mailchimp can work harder for you and your business.
10 ways to make images in Mailchimp work better for you
The subject of images comes up a LOT in my day to day as I work with clients on their Mailchimp accounts. I have rarely come across a client that has been using more than 2 o 3 of these tips, despite them being incredibly useful at a) make your life easier and b) making your emails work harder for you.
So here are 10 tips to make images work more effectively and efficiently for you in Mailchimp:
6 things to test to make your email marketing a success
Email marketing takes time, energy, resources and, very often, money. Testing means you can do more of what works and less of what doesn’t to avoid wasting them all.
We can all make educated guesses, but they’re just that. If we don’t test, we don’t actually know! So here are 5 things to test regularly...
FAQs: What does Cleaned mean in Mailchimp?
I get asked this question a lot. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, have a look at the All contacts part of Mailchimp and scroll right a bit in your “spreadsheet” - chances are some of your contacts have a grey label that says “Cleaned”.
Find out what it actually means, how it happened and what to do with your cleaned contacts now...
A checklist of ways to grow your emailing list
I’ve talked about buying email lists before (and why you almost certainly shouldn’t). But how DO you grow your mailing list?
Key to this is that you should be aiming to grow it with the right sort of people - who are...
How to lose a sale quickly and easily using Mailchimp
A few experiences lately means I need to ask you this VIQ (very important question)…
Do you actually know what your email subscribers experience when they try to sign up for your emails / newsletter? Have you actually looked at it with a fresh pair of eyes lately?
Initially, this question was prompted by
13 ways to use A.I. to help with Mailchimp
Recently I sent an email out about using AI for Mailchimp etc. You can read it (and subscribe so you don’t miss future ones) here.
Below are some tips and demos of how to do some of those things. Lots of them use Chat GPT, but others are using some different tools I’ve find and like. Enjoy!
Your Mailchimp Archive: blessing AND curse (and how to make it just a blessing)
Your Mailchimp archive is a page where potentially all of your past campaigns can be publicly access. That makes it both a blessing and a curse - great if you shape it to benefit you, potentially dangerous if you ignore it and merrily get on with your day without ever making a few tweaks. Read on to find out more...
Mailchimp Folders - 4 ways to use them
Mailchimp folders are incredibly helpful, but despite that are a very little-used function. After years of doing this, I could probably count on one hand the number of accounts I’ve worked on that had them set up. But I HAVE dealt with a lot of messes because they weren’t.
Your recommended reads
As a complete bookworm who storms through books faster than I can download them, I’ve recently started asking new subscribers for their recommended reads.
Here’s a gradually growing list of your recommendations to enjoy - I'm going to keep adding to this so come back again!
Random Interesting Fact: Quarantine
I’m just back from a truly wonderful holiday in beautiful Croatia, staying in a little harbour town called Cavtat right down at the bottom.
While we were there had a little guided tour of nearby Dubrovnik on a Tuk tuk. Our guide Toni (who incidentally looked like