Claire Witz Claire Witz

How to stop Out Of Office replies to your Mailchimp campaigns

Out of Office replies - it’s lovely to set your own up and go off on holiday, it’s less lovely when you send out an email campaign and get swamped by them flooding into your inbox.

Did you know that there’s a little tick box in the back end of your Mailchimp account settings that means you can stop the flood. coming back to you?

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Claire Witz Claire Witz

Mailchimp Tip: Why and how to archive your unsubscribers in using the new format “All contacts” screen

Mailchimp has been changing things around yet again. If the display of your contacts page is not looking and behaving differently yet, it will do very soon.

You’ve probably (hopefully) heard me banging on about archiving your unsubscribers before. If we ever worked together in any way then you definitely will have done.

Why is this important? Money. And how do you do it? Watch this video for a simple walk-through.

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Claire Witz Claire Witz

Mailchimp: A little time VERY well spent

It’s been an interesting day today.

One of the services I offer is a Mailchimp Etc. Mini Action Package. It takes just 2 hours of your time (more of mine) and each one varies depending on specific needs and issues.

To give you a feel for what happens, here are little case studies of two of these sessions that I’ve done today. One immediately generated a 7-fold return on the cost of the session. That’s because I have over 13 years’ experience, meaning I know exactly what to look for.

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Mailchimp Tips, Mailchimp Basics Claire Witz Mailchimp Tips, Mailchimp Basics Claire Witz

Mailchimp: 8 tips to improving your return on investment

Unless you’re on a free Mailchimp account, every single contact in your Mailchimp account has an associated cost. So that means it needs to earn its keep for you. What is YOUR Mailchimp account costing per contact? Is it generating more revenue than that? Are you monitoring it? Are you tapping into its potential? And could that ROI be improved? Almost certainly.

Here are my 8 top tips to upping yours.

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Mailchimp Tips, Mailchimp Basics Claire Witz Mailchimp Tips, Mailchimp Basics Claire Witz

Futureproof your Mailchimp

If I could have a pound for every time I’ve started working with an organisation’s Mailchimp and they’ve said:

  1. “I wish we’d started collecting that data sooner”…; OR

  2. “Someone else used to look after our Mailchimp but they’ve left and we don’t understand what’s going on.”

Here’s how to future proof your Mailchimp. Trust me, you’ll be really glad you did this.

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Mailchimp Tips, Mailchimp Basics Claire Witz Mailchimp Tips, Mailchimp Basics Claire Witz

How to back up Mailchimp

What would happen if your Mailchimp account got hacked tomorrow? Or you inadvertently breached a rule and your account was suspended (hopefully temporarily)? Or someone working on your account did something they shouldn't have? Or you deleted a box in your sign-up form and lost all the individual data sitting behind it?

Probably a disaster? Here’s how to protect your data just in case…

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Claire Witz Claire Witz

The highlights of being a UK Mailchimp Pro Partner in 2023

A while back Mailchimp asked if I’d be on their global Customer Advisory Board (CAB) this year - a small panel of Partners (Mailchimp experts) and 6 of their most innovative customers from around the world. Needless to say I said “Yes”. And then I went to Atlanta…!

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Mailchimp Tips Claire Witz Mailchimp Tips Claire Witz

Mailchimp Tip - How to add a website menu to your emails

Updated version. You know when you receive emails from big companies that look like a web-page with their website menu on the top? Not only do they look good, but they're also a brilliant way to showcase what you do in a glance and drive people to your website.

The best way to do it depends on whether you’re using Mailchimp’s Classic or New Builder as they both display differently for the recipient. Here’s are two quick and easy ways to DIY it on your own Mailchimp emails and newsletters without any programming skills.

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Back to Business Basics Claire Witz Back to Business Basics Claire Witz

Pricing your business: 5 tips to make sure you pay yourself enough

During the course of running networking events and workshops and coaching my clients, the subject of what people charge for their services and how much they can then pay themselves comes up a lot. And invariably it’s not enough for various reasons. Here are 5 things to consider when working out what to charge and how to pay yourself fairly.

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Mailchimp Tips Claire Witz Mailchimp Tips Claire Witz

How to send your blogs out automatically on Mailchimp using RSS (and whether you actually should)

If you have a business there’s a fair chance that you:

  1. have a blog on your website

  2. have an emailing list

  3. don’t have enough hours in the day.

Like anything in life, the more the mundane tasks of running a business can be left to technology to reduce the time they take, often (but not always) for the better.

One of the things Mailchimp offers to remove a task is an "RSS feed" automation. What does that mean in plain English, would it be right for you, and if so, how do you go about setting it up? Read on to find out more.

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